Collection Agreement
How does the collection management agreement work?
Types of Collection Agreements
Legal collection 75% capital back
- All debt gets collected by means of the legal process. Debt must not be older than 150 days since service date and handovers must be regular not exceeding 4 month intervals.
- The debtor gets contacted formally and given the opportunity to pay his debt without a legal process. Failing to comply results in a full legal process of collection. If the debtor does not comply with arrangements the legal process follows to get judgement, garnish orders or warrant of execution against property. Uncollectable matters get stopped by the discretion of the collector. Regular payments get monitored and contact is made on a regular basis to insure payments is made.
- As there are no cost account for the client and costs get carried by the collector the client will only receive 75% back of all monies collected. The company will keep 25% to carry the expenses of the collection process.
- We prefer regular handovers and debt not older than 150 days. If debt is older there are more risk involve and then the pay over percentage may lower to cover for the risk. This will be negotiated.
- There are no legal costs to be paid by the client except when the client is in default to pay over the money that was paid directly to the client or when the client provides faulty information which causes to withdrawal the action.
- Every month a distribution takes place of payments received on debt. On payments received on debt the collections commission and VAT is deducted, where after the balance is divided 50/50. You will receive pay-outs until the 75% of the capital is covered and the balance of 25% will be held by the collector.
- The first payments goes to the disbursements like sheriff costs and legal costs. (External accounts we had to pay). After the accounts has been paid we distribute the payments 50/50 until the client received his 75% of the capital. Only matters stopped by yourself gets deducted from the pay-out.
Legal collection 100% capital
- Full on legal collection process. All debt not older than 2 years. The collector has carte blanch and may use any legal means of collecting the debt.
- The debtor gets contacted formally and given the opportunity to pay his debt without a legal process. Failing to comply results in a full legal process of collection. If the debtor does not comply with arrangements the legal process follows to get judgement, garnish orders or warrant of execution against property. Uncollectable matters get stopped by the discretion of the collector. Regular payments get monitored and contact is made on a regular basis to insure payments is made.
- The client gets 100% back of capital handed over when collection is completed.
- Age of debt is important as fresher debt get collected faster but it’s the discretion of the client in this matter.
- The client pays for all costs on uncollectable matters. This is the most costly collection process, but it’s sometimes worth the risk if the debt is fresh and not older than 120 days.
- Every month a distribution takes place of payments received on debt. On payments received on debt the collections commission and VAT is deducted, where after the balance is divided 50/50. You will receive pay-outs until the 100%.
- The first payments goes to the disbursements like sheriff costs and legal costs. (External accounts we had to pay). After the accounts has been paid we distribute the payments 50/50 until the client received his 100% of the capital. ALL UNCOLLECTED MATTERS are worked out to real expenses and the matters stopped by yourself gets deducted from the pay-out. If we recommend to stop a matter and the client is persistent the liability for the costs will be for the client’s account.